Identify the symptoms of depression

What is Depression?
It is normal for people to have times in their life when they feel sad or feel blue. However, depression is more than just feeling down. Depression is feeling sad and down for a period of at least two weeks, and in that time you have lost interest or pleasure in your usual activities.
Signs of depression
- Sad
- Miserable
- Overwhelmed
- Unhappy
- Guilty
- Avoid going out
- Avoid spending time with friends or family
- Increase in alcohol use or drugs
- Not engaging in pleasurable activities
- Not completing tasks at work or at home
- "I am a failure"
- "I am not good enough"
- "Life is not worth living"
- "Everyone would be better off without me"
- Tired
- Sick and run down
- Headaches
- Sleep problems
- Significant weight loss or weight gain
If you think you or someone you know is suffering from depression it is important to contact a Health Professional or your General Practitioner (GP).
Or you can call
- Sharen Curtis Psychologist (07) 5580 9063
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
- 000 for Emergency